
You are browsing the archive for 15 November 2016 - Dan's Wild Wild Science Journal.

15 November 2016

Winter is Coming. It May be a Memorable One.

This is a guest post from my weather intern Andrew McCormick (Senior at Salisbury University here in Maryland). We’ve been looking at what the winter may bring for a month or so now, and Andrew has a good track record of past winter forecasts. This is a good summary of the techniques we use to make long range forecasts, and in case you’re wondering, I see nothing to disagree with …


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New Era In Meteorology is Days Away

  This Saturday evening, NASA will launch the GOES-R weather satellite, and a new 21st century era in weather and climate prediction will begin. This will be the equivalent of going from an old black and white TV, to an HD flat screen in color, and if all goes well it will revolutionize forecasting. I have been invited to attend the launch and will be posting about it here and …


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