
You are browsing the archive for 4 July 2014 - Dan's Wild Wild Science Journal.

4 July 2014

The Weather 238 years ago today in Philadelphia- Courtesy of T. Jefferson

It was cloudy in Philadelphia. Weatherwise Magazine has an excellent article with more about Jefferson and his weather records. Truly he was America’s first Meteorologist.


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True Colour View of Arthur from NASA (Doppler sees winds at 100 MPH)

Frying Pan Shoals off the North Carolina coast caught a gust to 99 mph on their weather station. They were in the eye-wall of Hurricane Arthur at the time. Here on the Delmarva Peninsula there is a real risk of extreme rip currents behind the storm. With thousands of folks streaming to the Maryland and Delaware beaches for the holiday weekend, this is a serious threat. Something to think about: …


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