16 November 2009

NOAA October Temps- 6th warmest on record.

Posted by Dan Satterfield

Image from NOAA/ NCDC  the larger the dot indicates the temp was warmer/colder than normal.

Image from NOAA/ NCDC the larger the dot indicates the temp was warmer/colder than normal.

The October temperature anomalies are out. Notice how cool the USA was compared to the rest of the world. The three warmest Octobers on the instrumental record have come in the last 7 years.

The most impressive and worrying sign on the anomalies map is the extreme warmth showing up in the highest latitudes. Although the argument has long since been discredited, you might still here a few say this is just a naturally warm period. If so, then why the heat up North. It’s a crystal clear image of what the Physics predicts for increasing greenhouse gases. Less snow/ice cover leads to increased surface heating, since sunlight that was reflected, is now absorbed.

Back in the 1980’s and early 90’s, some of  the top climate researchers said that the climate change signal would rise above the “noise” of normal climate variations in the early years of the 21st century.

They got that right too.

The three warmest Octobers on the instrumental record have come in the last 7 years.

They got that right too.

We need some good Earth Science news….I’m looking!
