Looking ahead to Day 3 of #AGU20: Toxic Ivory Towers and Conversations with Underrepresented Voices

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We are half-way through the first week of #AGU20 and we have already had a wide variety of events and sessions. Ready for more?

Here are some events and sessions to look forward to on day 3 of #AGU20:

  • A plenary panel, “Toxic Ivory Towers and Conversations with Underrepresented Voices” will feature an opening address from film producer, Dr. Kendall Moore. After her remarks, there will be a panel discussion on the life experiences of underrepresented minority faculty of color and the drive for intentional inclusion in academia.
  • Communicating your science – Ask the Experts. Check in and talk with experts in science communication fields, including social media, science policy, talking with the public, being a K-12 educator resource, using art and science, photo/videography and working with the media. See also the full Sharing Science itinerary for more science communication and science policy events.
  • INV06 – Subdecadal Ocean–Atmosphere Variability: Insights from Proxies, Models, and Uncertainty Examinations. Part 1 of this 2-part Innovative Session will showcase the work of diverse and early-career researchers who are making exciting contributions to understanding sub-decadal climate variability in the past.
  • INV05 – The COVID-19 Shock As a Window into the Earth System. This innovative session explores the intersection of COVID19 with the Earth and space sciences, from the GeoHealth of COVID, to new ESS research during COVID, to the effects of the pandemic on scientists. This serves as a introduction to a large COVID track and plenary next week.
  • Coping with Mental Health in Science. Life can be complicated sometimes, and the pressure arising from different internal and external factors can feel overwhelming. Personal challenges, working towards a PhD, worrying about future career steps, imposter syndrome, or even the isolation imposed by a global pandemic can lead to a feeling of hopelessness. This session discusses some of these aspects with the aim of encouraging constructive conversations on mental health and self-caring. Be sure to also check out the student and early career itinerary for more events.

Missing the Moscone Center? Check out some tweets from climate scientist Kris Karnauskas, who’s been looking for the speaker ready room and rollerblading around the poster hall.

And check out this thread from Regupathi Angappan, a graduate student at Johns Hopkins, who illustrated his #AGU20 presentation.

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