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17 December 2018
Drawn to Geoscience: Tornadoes form from…wait, the ground up?! Seriously?
At our annual meeting last week, researchers presented new findings showing that contrary to popular views, tornadoes may (might) form from the ground up versus from clouds down. Here a good summary of the work via The Washington Post. AND, we were fortunate enough to have our old friend JoAnna Wendel draw a comic describing the findings!
4 June 2010
Why I Blog: Callan Bentley (Mountain Beltway)
This guest post by Callan Bentley, an assistant professor of geology at Northern Virginia Community College, is the first of a series that will explore why Earth and space scientists blog. Here’s a blogging success story: In April, a student in my structural geology course asked me by email how bedding/cleavage relationships can help discriminate whether beds are overturned. Like many structural questions, it was best answered with a diagram, …
30 March 2010
A whale of an opportunity: My moment in the media spotlight
Guest post: Andrew Pershing, Assistant Professor in the University of Maine’s School of Marine Sciences and a Research Scientist at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute , on his first press conference experience. Like many professional scientists, I’m troubled by the number of people who don’t understand the scientific process and are willing to accept non-scientific explanations such as intelligent design for natural phenomena. I feel very strongly that scientists …