
Haris Mushtaq has over 5 years of professional experience focused on water and energy sector of Pakistan. His research is focused on understanding the impacts of Climate change on water resources of Pakistan and to understands the interlinkages between the water and energy sectors. Current and prior affiliations include Global Change Impact Studies Centre, Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) and Oregon State University, USA.

Project Description: Rethinking Indus – Aim of the project is to carry out a campaign titled “Rethinking Indus” which will market the need for science-based policy measures into Water and Energy sector of Pakistan. The campaign will include a series of infographics, GIFs and video animations containing data visualizations to provide key insights into the water and energy sector of Pakistan. Thus, fulfilling the purpose of science communication and urge the policymakers to make a rational decision based on data-centric approaches.