21 April 2021
Sharing #SciArt: #AGURocks, #DrawnToGeoscience, & #RhymeYourResearch
Posted by Shane Hanlon
By Shane M Hanlon
Last year we launched two sciart series here on the blog: #DrawnToGeoscience and #AGURocks. The goal was to not only showcase thee amazing ways of communicating science via art but to also show folks the creative process behind the creations; to pull back the curtain to hopefully lower the barrier(s) to entry for those who may have thought about scicomm via art but thought that it was too difficult/they didn’t have the talent. The response was…overwhelming. So many scientists and artists contributed.

Sample #AGURocks submission.
We intentionally started small with just two areas to gauge interest. Well, interest was there, so earlier this year we introduced #RhymeYourResearch, modeled after our session at AGU’s annual meeting. We’re already off to a strong start and look forward to even more contributions!

Sample #DrawnToGesocience submission.
So, you write music, poetry, or create art (of any sort), we want to hear about it. Submit your piece and take us through your creative process today!

Sample #RhymeYourResearch submission.
–Shane M Hanlon is Program Manager of AGU’s Sharing Science program. He also writes nerdy science songs as Darwin & Curie. Find him on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.