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11 October 2018
Q&A, episode 6
A reader asks about Callan’s source of inspiration, a fitting question given the advent of Earth Science Week, which this year has as its theme “The Earth as Inspiration.” Brace yourself for a tantalizing cavalcade of gorgeous images of patterns in rocks!
22 August 2018
Q&A, episode 5
A reader asks: “What is foliation and what makes it so important to the structure of rock?”
Callan answers with a lot of images of beautifully foliated rocks.
8 March 2017
Q&A, episode 4
Who are “the 3%?” A reader question prompts a conversation with “Skeptical Science” guru and cognitive scientist John Cook.
21 February 2017
Q&A, episode 3
A reader asks about the use of zircons in isotopic dating, and the argument for submerged continental crust beneath Mauritius.
13 February 2017
Q&A, episode 2
A new edition of “science and nature question and answer.” This week: why Massanutten Mountain isn’t longer, and why you’re never going to walk on the Sun.
6 February 2017
Q&A, episode 1
A new series takes science and nature questions and answers them. Read the answers to the first two questions and submit your own!