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19 December 2010

GoSF1: Introduction and overview

The first in a multi-part series on the geology of San Francisco and the surrounding area.


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3 November 2010

Tavşanlı Zone field trip, part 5

After our mind-boggling encounter with the limestone strata turned lurid pink by their high-pressure encounter with subduction, our band of merry geologists set off for a stroll: We began the walk in greenschist + blueschist mélange, as seen here with a Turkish 1-lira coin (26 mm diameter; about the same size as a U.S. quarter) for scale: Then we crossed a structural contact into an ophiolitic mélange thrust sheet, a …


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1 November 2010

Tavşanlı Zone field trip, part 4

Picking up where we left off… I was telling you about the field trip I took through Turkey’s Tavşanlı Zone, a tectonic suture zone between fragments of continental crust that accreted during the closure of the Tethys Ocean. Day 2 of the trip dawned and we broke fast, and then headed out to a bizarre locality, an exposure of the accretionary complex near the village of Gümüşyeniköy. This is a …


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29 September 2010


Today I’m in the air, on my way back to Turkey for the Tectonic Crossroads conference being held in Ankara next week. Before the meeting, I’m joining a field trip to examine a subduction zone complex. Over three days, we will drive from Istanbul to Ankara by way of ophiolites and blueschists and other geologic wonders. I’m excited. Hopefully I’ll be able to post an update or two from Turkey, …


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