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14 September 2018
Friday fold: Ferruginous sediments in Barberton Mountain Land
A trip back to Archean sedimentary rocks in Barberton, South Africa, reveals a few folds on the roadside…
25 May 2017
Chert-slab conglomerate from the Fig Tree Group, Barberton
Deep in the Archean, things suddenly got violent in the deep water of the Mapepe Formation’s oceanic setting. What was a quiet precipitation of chert suddenly was torn apart and tumbled downslope. Was an earthquake to blame? A bolide impact? This is the result.
2 May 2016
3D models to spin and twist
More 3D models: digital facsimiles of real rock samples. Check them out and explore! Clinker from the Powder River Basin, Wyoming: Ripple marks from the Rose Hill Formation, West Virginia: Meta-komatiite from the Red Lake Greenstone Belt, northern Ontario, Canada:
7 June 2013
Friday fold: South Pass City, Wyoming
Two summers ago, my wife (then my very new wife) Lily and I participated in a two-week workshop for teachers on the energy resources of Wyoming. We also indulged in a visit to a mineral resource site: South Pass City, a site in the southern Wind River Uplift that was the second oldest incorporated town in Wyoming (after Cheyenne). It was a gold mining site, and today it is preserved …
16 April 2013
Squashed pillows
Join Callan for a look at submarine volcanism and later deformation near Ely, Minnesota. Archean tectonics fluffed these pillows up and squashed them down again.
27 October 2011
Pavement outcrops of strained Seine conglomerate
Picking up from the astonishing first couple of outcrops we saw of strained Seine Group metaconglomerate from the boundary between the Wabigoon and Quetico sub-provinces of the Superior Craton, our group moved on down the road. It was lovely clear fall weather near Fort Frances, and shockingly warm. Our third stop of the morning was a lunch stop atop a great “pavement” outcrop of the same strained metaconglomerate, showing different …
12 October 2011
The GSA meeting experience, 2011
I’m on the plane home from the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, held this year in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This annual event features a robust smorgasbord of science, with talks and posters detailing the research efforts of thousands of geoscientists from the US and other countries. It’s an amazing experience on many, many levels, and as I fly home now after a week in Minnesota, my feelings are …
15 October 2010
Friday fold: wavelength contrast
I scored this photo off the Internet more than five years ago, the first time I taught Structural Geology at George Mason University.