
You are browsing the archive for concretions Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Mountain Beltway.

28 July 2011

A faulted chert nodule

Here is a trio of concentrically-zoned chert nodules in Mississippian Castle Reef Dolostone, exposed at Sun River Canyon, Montana, just downstream from the roadside outcrop of the French Thrust: If you look closely at the lowermost of the three chert nodules, you’ll see it’s been split and offset by a small fault. Here are close-up portraits of all three, concluding with the most interesting one (the deformed one): Hope all …


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30 October 2010

Orbs in the floor

Happy Saturday morning, everyone. I’m on my way down to the National Mall for fellow Tribesman Jon Stewart’s “Restoring Sanity” rally, but I thought I would just quickly post a little geological treat for Mountain Beltway readers. These are pisolites (basically like a big oolite, but without the biological component that would qualify them as oncolites), as seen in the travertine panels that make up the floor of the conference …


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18 September 2010

Guest concretion

This was brought in last week by a student… It’s a broken concretion that she found in Des Moines County, Iowa, many years ago. She also had a slab of limestone with crinoid columnal fossils, and a broken geode from the same locality. I think this concretion is a thing of beauty, like a fossilized Gobstopper. I had to photograph it before I gave it back to her.


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