You are browsing the archive for December 2016 - Page 2 of 2 - Mountain Beltway.
9 December 2016
Friday fold: Machir Bay I
It’s Friday! Today’s fold comes to you from Neoproterozoic metasediments on the west side of Islay, at Machir Bay.
8 December 2016
Silent samples, holey samples
Two very different samples tell stories that are full of holes. What’s going on with this weathered sandstone? What’s going on with this fossil scallop shell?
5 December 2016
Cinder cones in Iceland (with lichen)
What makes an Icelandic cinder cone even better? A coating of fuzzy lichens, perhaps…
2 December 2016
Friday fold: Dalradian kinks, crenulations, and folded crenulations on Arran
For the Friday fold, let’s travel to the northern edge of the Isle of Arran in southwestern Scotland, where near the town of Lochranza, you can find Dalradian metagraywackes that display a lovely suite of folds. There are kink bands, like this one: And this one: And these en echelon kink bands: And these: But there’s also a more pervasive structural fabric to be seen: symmetrical crenulations: And in places …
1 December 2016
Novels by Ernest Cline
In the past couple of months I listened to the audiobook versions of Ernest Cline’s two novels. They are of a common piece, and so I opt to review them in tandem. There is a feeling I have that I am increasingly at odds with the students I teach in terms of cultural references and common interests. On a field trip recently, I made a joke that referenced Indiana Jones …