19 December 2013
New macro GigaPans of cool rock samples
Posted by Callan Bentley
It’s time to bring you up to date on some of the latest imagery produced by the Mid-Atlantic Geo-Image Collection. All of the following images were constructed by my student Robin Rohrback-Schiavone, on the GIGAmacro photographic imaging system in our lab… Several of the Precambrian samples came to us on loan from Jay Kaufman of the University of Maryland, College Park.
Enjoy exploring some very cool rocks.
Ball & pillow (soft sediment deformation) from the Devonian-aged Hampshire formation red beds exposed along Corridor H in West Virginia:
Folded banded iron formation strata of the Contorted Bed in the Witwatersrand Supergroup in Johannesburg, South Africa (previously featured in static imagery as a Friday fold):
Mudcracks in Belt Supergroup argillite/sandstone, of western Montana:
Conophyton “cone stromatolites” from the Mesoproterozoic Lagamar Formation of the Vazante Group in south-central Brazil:
Witvlei Group Stromatolites of Ediacaran age, southern Namibia:
Sodalite-bearing syenite, or “blue granite” from Bahia, Brazil:
Martinsburg Formation graywacke (late Ordovician flysch) from east of Staunton, Virginia:
Folded calc-silicate from Vermont (previous featured in static imagery as a Friday fold):
Neoacadian Hibriten Mylonite from the Brushy Mountains of North Carolina:
Flat Pebble Conglomerate, Gros Ventre Formation, collected in the southern Bighorn Range in Wyoming:
the Blue Granite is beautiful!
Indeed it is…
Hi Calvin,
These photos are excellent. I ran across them while doing a web search on “Minsk Green” granite from Brazil. Your student (Robin Rohrback-Schiavone) posted a beautiful photo of this granite here: http://gigapan.com/gigapans/108004. Ive been (unsuccessfully!) trying to find some basic info about the geology of this granite (where it is quarried, its age, composition, and other basics) and am wondering if you might have any details to share with me. Anything you can share would be appreciated.
Hi Catherine,
It’s Callan, not Calvin.
I have no further information on this beautiful rock. Let me know if you find out anything?