9 June 2011
Portrait of a cricket
Posted by Callan Bentley
Spied this lovely cricket while hiking the White Oak Canyon Trail in Shenandoah National Park yesterday:
I realize there’s been a pretty high bugs : rocks ratio on Mountain Beltway of late; I’m just in summer mode, I reckon. And Virginia’s arthropod profligacy keeps bringing me into contact with these extraordinary segmented denizens of the forests, soil, and air. I can’t help but photograph them… Sorry if the bugs aren’t your cup of tea!
At least this big is on a rock 🙂
Whoops- bug. Not big. It is a little bug 🙂
They’re gorgeous and I love them. Keep going!
To be honest this is the way I prefer to see bugs, as pictures and not having mess around with them.
You have a great camera and can get so much detail making them very interesting to look at. I say keep them coming too.