
You are browsing the archive for January 2011 - Page 4 of 4 - Mountain Beltway.

4 January 2011

Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, by Martin Gardner

Yesterday I mentioned some books that I had sampled on the topic of geologic time over the holiday break. Another book I read in my hammock in the Gulf of Honduras was Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, by Martin Gardner. As with Demon-Haunted World, I got the recommendation to read Gardner from a podcast that I listen to called The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe. When Martin …


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Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, by Martin Gardner

Yesterday I mentioned some books that I had sampled on the topic of geologic time over the holiday break. Another book I read in my hammock in the Gulf of Honduras was Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, by Martin Gardner. As with Demon-Haunted World, I got the recommendation to read Gardner from a podcast that I listen to called The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe. When Martin …


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3 January 2011

Four books on time

Callan reviews four books about geologic time.


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1 January 2011

GoSF10: The San Andreas Fault & Mussel Rock

The final episode of the 10-part “Geology of San Francisco” series concludes with a visit to the spot where the San Andreas Fault runs off the edge of California and down into the sea. Mussel Rock, site of the opening vignette of John McPhee’s “Assembling California” is located there.


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