10 December 2010

Geoblogging bonanza at AGU’s Fall Meeting

Posted by Jessica Ball

If you’re getting ready to head out to San Francisco soon (or if you’re already there!) you’ve probably heard at least something about the geoblogging activities that will be going on at this year’s Fall Meeting. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s going on:

We’ll be writing: http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm10/newsmedia/blogroll.php

And Tweeting: http://twitter.com/theAGU/tweeting-at-agu10/members

And talking: On Thursday afternoon, I will be joining Erik Klemetti (Eruptions), Anne Jefferson & Chris Rowan (Highly Allocthonous), Brian Romans (Clastic Detritus), and Cian Dawson in a Science Blogging Workshop discussion panel. As one of the student members of the geoblogosphere, I’ll be talking about my experiences blogging as a graduate student. There will be a lot more discussion going on – covering everything from the goals of blogging to reader participation to blogging from the private/government sector. There will likely be a big showing of geobloggers in the audience too, so come to the workshop and see which of your favorites are there!

Several of the other bloggers on the panel have requested your input for their part of the discussion: Erik Klemetti at Eruptions wants to know your opinions on how bloggers and commenters interact and Chris Rowan & Anne Jefferson at Highly Allocthonous are asking geobloggers why they blog. Please take a moment to help them answer these questions!

There are also several other Science Communication Workshops, some of which may still be open.

My schedule isn’t firm enough that I’ll be posting it here, but I will be presenting a poster on Wednesday morning in the Volcanology/Geochemistry/Petrology General Contributions III session. I haven’t yet decided how I’ll be covering the meeting on the blog / via Twitter, but I’ll try to do something every day!

For those of you heading to the meeting, I’ll (maybe) see you in a couple of days. For those of you following from home, enjoy the updates from the geoblogosphere!