4 May 2010

Where on (Google) Earth #201 – hosted for JimmyJames

Posted by Jessica Ball

Having not posted anything for a while, I was trying to think up something non-taxing to write about (don’t want to take on too much on my birthday!) Fortunately, JimmyJames, the last winner of Wo(G)E, made it easy for me – he’s ready to reveal the next edition of Where on (Google) Earth! So here it is:

“This is my first win of Where on Google Earth and I’m honoured to be amongst the folks that participate in this contest. I should admit right away that I am not a geologist (nor indeed a blogger) but I have tried to make the WoGE #201 a challenging puzzle.
This edition of WoGE#201 reveals yet another attractive example of folded sedimentary strata.
As ever, to win WoGE find the Longitude and Latitude of the image, identify the country / area and describe the geological significance of the feature, then post this information in the Comments section below. The first one to post the correct information will go on to host the next edition of WoGE.
With respect, I’m invoking the (Ron) Shott rule: “Previous winners must wait at least one hour for each win that they have before posting a solution – other comments would be okay”.
Good luck to all of you! And a heartfelt thanks to ‘Tuff Cookie’ for hosting my post!
To compensate for the low res Google imagery, I have supplemented it with some higher resolution aerial orthophotos for your viewing pleasure.”
(Click to see the enlarged versions!)