25 September 2009

Accretionary Wedge #21: Call for posts

Posted by Jessica Ball

The 20th edition of the Accretionary Wedge is up at Dave Bressan’s cryology and co. There are some neat speculations about unsolved mysteries in geoscience – go check it out! (And even if you’re a bit late, you can probably sneak another entry or two in there.)

Which brings us to the next topic of interest: October’s Accretionary Wedge (#21), which will be hosted here. October is a big month for Earth science this year – not only is the Annual National GSA meeting happening in Portland from October 18-22, but it’s also the month of Earth Science Week (October 11-17). In other words, it’s a month for sharing knowledge about the Earth (something that we geobloggers do a lot).

A lot of our time revolves around professional and academic concerns, but it’s a good idea not to forget the outreach – after all, if people who aren’t our students or colleagues don’t know why Earth science is important, where does that leave us? So here’s your question for October:

What kind of Earth Science outreach have you participated in? Have you hosted a geology day at your department, given a field trip, gone to your child’s/niece’s/nephew’s/cousin’s school to do a demonstration, or sponsored an event for Earth Science Week? (This year’s Earth Science Week is about Understanding Climate, so if you’re a climate scientist, please chime in!) What was your favorite experience (or what funny stories came out of one that didn’t go as planned)?

Since GSA is going to take up a big chunk of peoples’ time, I’ll set the due date for the weekend after the Portland meeting (Sunday, October 25th). If you’re doing something for GSA or Earth Science Week, you should have plenty of time to write about it for the Accretionary Wedge – plus this edition of the Wedge gives you good incentive to plan something if you haven’t already. (And, as always, if you’re a little behind on your blogging, late entries will be added as they’re received.)

Leave a link to your post in a comment or send it to me by email at magmacumlaude AT blogspot.com (replacing “AT” with @). Happy writing!