A weekend of landslide incidents
23 July 2012 07:06 in landslide report by Dave Petley
This weekend there were many landslide incidents around the world. This blog post highlights nine of them, in the UK, Austria, Canada, Mexico, India and China
23 July 2012 07:06 in landslide report by Dave Petley
This weekend there were many landslide incidents around the world. This blog post highlights nine of them, in the UK, Austria, Canada, Mexico, India and China
13 July 2012 07:27 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
An initial report and images on a landslide in Johnsons Landing, BC yesterday that is thought to have killed four people
17 May 2011 16:23 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
A link to the paper and powerpoint presentation for my talk on the Attabad landslide at the Geohazards 5 conference in Kelowna, Canada today.
19 October 2010 07:55 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Thanks to Rick Guthrie for pointing out in a comment another interesting Canadian conference on natural hazards. This is the 5th Canadian Conference on Geotechnique and Natural Hazards, also known as Geohazards 5, which will be held in Kelowna, British Columbia on 15th to 17th May 2011. The call for abstracts closes on 29th October, and includes papers on the following: Seismic hazards Flooding and natural dams Landslides Quantitative …
8 August 2010 11:23 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
The Meager Creek landslide in British Columbia, Canada on Friday was a very large and very energetic event. The latest estimates suggest that it had a volume of about 40 million cubic metres, making it one of the largest slides in Canada in recent decades. Indeed, the Vancouver Sun quotes Rick Guthrie in stating that the slide travelled at 30 metres per second over a distance of 10 km. Some …
23 December 2008 09:00 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
The Burgess Shale is probably the World’s most famous assemblage of fossils, made famous in particular by Stephen Jay Gould’s book Wonderful Life. In a nutshell, the shale contains an extraordinarily well-preserved collection of Cambrian marine fossils, now generally considered to be 505 million years old. The morphology of the animals is generally somewhat extraordinary: Walcott Quarry, the site at which the Burgess Shale is exposed, is located in British …
27 October 2008 16:51 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Thanks to Andrew Giles for bringing this one to my attention. Highway 97 in British Columbia is currently being upgraded through the Okanagan Valley (Fig. 1). This project is being undertaken by Arthon – their project website describes this as: “Four lane roadworks and 1,000,000 m3 rock removal over a 7 km section of BC’s main north-south highway corridor. The B.C. Ministry of Transportation awarded Arthon Contractors Inc. a $38.6 …
20 May 2019 06:33 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Good satellite and aerial imagery is now appearing showing the extent of the Joffre Peak rock avalanches in Canada last week
18 June 2010 08:07 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Alongside the continuing Attabad crisis, here is a summary of the last week in landslide events (in no particular order). The list is not exhaustive by any account, but these are the stories that caught my eye: 1.The Oliver debris flow in CanadaI covered this event in a post or two earlier in the week. It is now clear that the trigger was the overtopping and eventual failure (through a …
15 June 2010 07:25 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Yesterday I posted in both the ongoing situation at Attabad (and I am glad to say that it now seems likely that the reported landslide at Shimshal was a false alarm) and the mud and debris flow at Oliver in Canada. It is now reported that the Oliver slide was caused by the failure of an embankment retaining a small irrigation lake. If that is the case then I assume …
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