Video of the Rest and Be Thankful landslide site in Scotland
9 September 2009 12:39 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
The BBC has a short video on its website of the Rest and Be Thankful landslide site in Scotland. It can be found here.
9 September 2009 12:39 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
The BBC has a short video on its website of the Rest and Be Thankful landslide site in Scotland. It can be found here.
8 September 2009 14:22 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Probably the most infamous landslide event in recent years in the UK occurred in Scotland in August 2004 when a series of landslides occurred, including one on the A83 at the rather delightfully named “Rest and Be Thankful”. The same area was affected again by landslides in 2007. The images from the time were quite spectacular, as shown by the BBC at this web page, which is the 2007 slide: …
25 July 2022 06:37 in landslide report, landslide video by Dave Petley
On 4 July 2022 a peat landslide occurred at the site of a windfarm under construction in Shetland, north Scotland.
24 May 2021 08:00 in mitigation by Dave Petley
Rest and Be Thankful in Scotland: a remarkable bund, 6 m high and 180 m long, has been constructed to protect the Old Military Road from landslides
7 April 2021 08:49 in landslide costs by Dave Petley
The complex politics of managing coal waste tip stability in South Wales
30 March 2021 08:13 in landslide report by Dave Petley
The resilience of rail infrastructure: reports from the Network Rail earthworks and weather advisory task forces
22 March 2021 08:39 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Late last week the Scottish Government announced the preferred route corridor for the A83 at Rest and Be Thankful. The road will remain within Glen Croe, but there is a range of options for how it will be aligned.
30 November 2020 07:31 in landslide report by Dave Petley
In recent weeks the landslide problems at Rest and Be Thankful in Scotland have continued to develop, causing increased disruption
3 November 2020 07:41 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Williams Lake: On 31st October 2020 a 1 million cubic metre landslide, triggered by heavy rainfall, occurred in British Columbia, Canada
2 November 2020 08:13 in landslide report, Planet Labs by Dave Petley
Nejapa: a deadly channelised flow in El Salvador on 29 October 2020 killed ten people and displaced 60 families
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