1 August 2008 08:19 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Hat tip to Scott McDougall, Erik Eberhardt and Andrew Giles, all from Canada, for this one. Many readers will be familiar with the classic book “Rock Slope Engineering” by Evert Hoek, which still represents the bible for understanding the mechanisms of failure of hard rock slopes. The cover of the original version featured a photograph of a 1965 rock slope failure on the so-called “Sea to Sky” highway in British …
Tags: 2008, Canada, Olympics, rockfall
16 December 2020 07:32 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A massive rockslope failure and 13 km long debris flow near to Bute Inlet in British Columbia, Canada in late November
Tags: Canada, featured, glacier, landslide report, North America, Planet Labs, video
3 November 2020 07:41 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Williams Lake: On 31st October 2020 a 1 million cubic metre landslide, triggered by heavy rainfall, occurred in British Columbia, Canada
Tags: British Columbia, Canada, featured, glacial, landslide report
14 January 2020 07:06 in landslide images by Dave Petley
Last week, BC Highways released an archive of images taken in the immediate aftermath of the 48 million cubic metre 1965 Hope Slide in British Columbia, Canada
Tags: Canada, featured, landslide images, landslide report, North America
19 November 2019 07:32 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
A new study (Barth et al. 2019) has mapped the landslides triggered by the 27 October 2012 Mw=7.8 Haida Gwaii earthquake in British Columbia, Canada
Tags: Canada, coseismic landslide, earthquake, featured, North America, paper, research
17 May 2019 11:08 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Yesterday a second, probably even larger, rock avalanche occurred on Joffre Peak in British Columbia in Canada, following the first event on Sunday.
Tags: Canada, featured, landslide report, North America, rock avalanche
15 May 2019 06:18 in landslide report by Dave Petley
On Monday morning at 07:41 am local time, a significant rock avalanche occurred at Joffre Peak in British Columbia in Canada
Tags: Canada, featured, landslide report, North America, rock avalanche
6 February 2018 07:43 in Landslide processes by Dave Petley
A paper just published in Geo-Marine Letters, Conway and Barrie 2018 – describes a new landslide type – the submarine sackungen – observed in the flanks of Douglas Channel in British Columbia
Tags: Canada, featured, North America, sackungen, submarine landslide
5 June 2023 06:37 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Several significant landslides associated with rapid snowmelt in western North America in May 2023, driven by exceptional temperatures.
Tags: Canada, featured, landslide report, North America, satellite imagery, USA
28 October 2022 06:32 in landslide report by Dave Petley
The 15 November 2021 2021 Duffey Lake landslide in Canada: the role of old logging roads in triggering slope failures
Tags: British Columbia, Canada, featured, highway, logging, road
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