The Cochin slide: a huge submarine landslide
5 October 2022 06:33 in Research project by Dave Petley
The Cochin slide: a new paper published in the journal Landslide describes a 138 km long submarine landslide southwest of India
5 October 2022 06:33 in Research project by Dave Petley
The Cochin slide: a new paper published in the journal Landslide describes a 138 km long submarine landslide southwest of India
18 November 2019 07:31 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
On the 90th anniversary of the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake and tsunami, a new study suggests that tsunamigenic submarine landslides may be more common than we thought
29 May 2019 06:04 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
In a new paper, Zhu et al. (2019) report the discovery of the giant Baiyun–Liwan submarine slide, which covers an area of c.40,000 sq km in the South China Sea
8 February 2019 08:15 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
Submarine landslides can creep too: we have just published a paper (Carey et al. 2019) in the journal Geomorphology exploring the mechanisms of movement of the Tuaheni landslide offshore from New Zealand
13 February 2018 07:37 in Review of a paper by Dave Petley
A new paper in the journal Geology (Urlaub et al. 2018) proposes that the key factor that allows giant submarine landslides maybe the combination of compressible diatom ooze and a capping layer of low permeability clay
6 February 2018 07:43 in Landslide processes by Dave Petley
A paper just published in Geo-Marine Letters, Conway and Barrie 2018 – describes a new landslide type – the submarine sackungen – observed in the flanks of Douglas Channel in British Columbia
13 December 2017 07:40 in Review of a paper by Dave Petley
In a new paper, Hunt and Jarvis (2017) demonstrate that multiple large submarine landslides have occurred close to the Canary Islands in the last 7 million years.
27 February 2017 07:40 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
In New Zealand, two research cruises by NIWA have mapped massive submarine landslides triggered by the Kaikoura earthquakes
9 February 2015 07:57 in Experiment, Research project by Dave Petley
Joris Eggenhuisen has published a fascinating video on Youtube showing a simulation of submarine landslides using the Eurotank Flume at Utrecht University
19 July 2012 13:52 in landslide video by Dave Petley
Submarine landslides are poorly understood, in part because it is so difficult to capture them in real-time. This makes the following video, recorded at Cabo Sab Lucas, Baja California in Mexico, incredible valuable: Hat tip to Pasi Jokela for highlighting this one.
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