23 August 2015 05:30 in humour by Dave Petley
Wile E. Coyote often tried to catch the Road Runner using rockfalls. Unfortunately he failed to understand how hard it is to predict landslide behaviour, especially in cartoon land.
Tags: cartoon, featured, rockfall, topple
17 July 2023 05:59 in landslide report by Dave Petley
In recent days, multiple landslides have been triggered by intense rainfall in South Korea. killing many people.
Tags: featured, landslide report, South Korea
10 May 2023 06:40 in landslide report by Dave Petley
In Switzerland, a very large, incipient rockslide has triggered the evacuation of the village of Brienz (Brinzauls).
Tags: Europe, featured, landslide report, Switzerland
10 February 2023 07:44 in landslide report by Dave Petley
GeoNet has published information about, and images of, landslides triggered by the recent heavy rainfall in the northern part of New Zealand. Further heavy rainfall is forecast.
Tags: featured, Geonet, GNS Science, landslide report, New Zealand
28 July 2022 07:43 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
The 27 July 2022 M=7.0 earthquake in Abra Province, Philippines is likely to have triggered large numbers of landslides.
Tags: coseismic landslide, earthquake, featured, philippines, SE. Asia
7 June 2022 07:20 in landslide video by Dave Petley
A Youtube video from Thai Nguyen in Vietnam dramatically illustrates the destructive power of rockfalls on roads
Tags: featured, highway, landslide video, road, rockfall, SE. Asia, Vietnam
19 March 2021 09:35 in landslide report by Dave Petley
In Tblisi, Georgia, a 500,000 cubic metre landslide has developed on the edge of the metropolitan area, probably triggered by construction of a road
Tags: Europe, featured, Georgia, landslide report
18 December 2020 07:59 in Earthquake-induced landslide by Dave Petley
Arequipa, Peru: landslides triggered by a M=5.6 earthquake on 16 December 2020 have been caught on a dramatic video
Tags: earthquake, featured, landslide report, Peru, seismic, South America, video
18 November 2020 07:33 in landslide video by Dave Petley
Argaga: two impressive videos of the major coastal rockfall on the Spanish island of La Gomera on 14 November 2020
Tags: Canary Islands, featured, landslide video, rockfalls, Spain
26 October 2020 08:37 in Photo gallery by Dave Petley
Recent examples, from India and Vietnam, of the ways in which landslides can affect roads, causing extensive disruption
Tags: featured, highway, India, road, Vietnam
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