9 June 2023 06:55 in landslide report by Dave Petley
An official investigation highlighted that the cause of the 30 December 2020 Gjerdrum landslide in Norway was a series of small failures along the stream, probably resulting from rainfall.
Tags: Europe, featured, investigation, Norway, quick clay
5 May 2022 06:48 in landslide report by Dave Petley
On Wednesday 4 May 2022 an interesting landslide occurred at a construction site on the E6 highway near to Malvik in Norway.
Tags: Europe, featured, highway, landslide report, Norway
5 January 2021 20:51 in Planet Labs by Dave Petley
A high resolution satellite image has now been captured by Planet Labs of the Gjerdrum quick clay landslide in Norway
Tags: Europe, featured, Norway, Planet Labs, satellite image
31 December 2020 10:24 in landslide report by Dave Petley
An update on the Gjerdrum landslide in Norway – 10 people remain missing, but the one source of hope is that overnight a dog named Zajka was rescued
Tags: Europe, featured, landslide report, Norway, quick clay
30 December 2020 09:40 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A quick clay landslide disaster has occurred at Gjerdrum in Norway this morning. There are 14 people unaccounted for, some of whom are children, and 9 people injured. The rescue teams have been unable to enter the landslide zone
Tags: Europe, featured, landslide report, Norway, quick clay landslide
4 June 2020 05:38 in landslide video by Dave Petley
The remarkable video of a landslide at Alta in Norway yesterday is probably the finest recording of a quick clay landslide to date.
Tags: Europe, featured, landslide video, Norway, quick clay, quick clay landslide
12 May 2020 06:13 in Landslide processes by Dave Petley
The Váráš rock slope deformation in Troms County in northern Norway, a 70 million cubic metre, 100 m deep creeping landslide.
Tags: DSGD, Europe, featured, INSAR, Norway, rockslide
6 September 2019 06:11 in landslide report by Dave Petley
After a phase of accelerated movement in the last few days, the large Velsemannen rockslide in Norway underwent a significant failure overnight
Tags: Europe, featured, monitoring, Norway, rockslide
1 August 2019 23:07 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Sogn og Fjordane county in Norway suffered a series of large, rainfall-induced landslides on Tuesday, killing at least one person.
Tags: Europe, featured, landslide report, landslide video, Norway
24 June 2019 06:05 in landslide video by Dave Petley
On 8th June 2019 a landslide struck the Salaks salmon processing plant in the northern part of Norway. The landslide was caught on CCTV footage.
Tags: featured, landslide report, landslide video, Norway
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