3 October 2022 06:55 in Mining by Dave Petley
Shuiliandong: a paper in the journal Landslides (Ma et al, 2022) highlights an example of a landslide triggered by underground coal mining
Tags: china, East Asia, featured, mine, mining, research, review of a paper
12 January 2022 08:08 in Mining by Dave Petley
Flow from the mining landslide at Pau Branco The mining landslide at Pau Branco caused a significant release of mine waste, which appears to have flowed into the water retention structure below. This image, from the Observatório da Mineração, shows the flow path:- . As the image shows, the landslide overtopped the retaining structure, which remained essentially intact (note the superficial erosion on either side of the dam abutments). The …
Tags: brazil, featured, landslide video, mine, mining, South America
11 January 2022 08:10 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
On 8 January 2022 a significant landslide occurred at the Pau Branco iron ore mine in Brazil, operated by the French company Vallourec.
Tags: brazil, featured, landslide report, mine, mining, South America
29 April 2021 07:42 in Mining, Uncategorized by Dave Petley
A new paper in the journal Landslides (Chen et al. 2021) highlights the enormous and very rapidly evolving Jianshanying Landslide in Guizhou Province China, triggered by coal mining.
Tags: china, East Asia, featured, landslide report, mine, mining
15 March 2021 08:22 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Knappensee: a large landslide at an old open cast mining site in eastern Germany on 11 March 2020, which was captured on video, generated a 1.5 m high tsunami that damaged property on the far side of the lake
Tags: Europe, fatured, Germany, lake, mine, mining, tsunami
2 July 2020 07:45 in Mining by Dave Petley
Another dreadful landslide has occurred in the Hpakant jade mining area of Kachin state in Myanmar. The landslide, at Sate Mu, killed at least 113 people.
Tags: Burma, featured, landslide report, mine, mining, Myanmar, SE. Asia
2 December 2019 08:07 in Mining by Dave Petley
Data suggests that the cost of mining-related landslides is increasing rapidly, with almost 3000 deaths in the period between 2014 and 2018.
Tags: database, fatal landslides, featured, mine, mining
27 September 2019 06:26 in Mining by Dave Petley
Yet another mining-induced landslide occurred yesterday, in the Tibesti region of Chad in Africa, killing about 30 people.
Tags: Africa, Chad, featured, mine, mining
12 March 2019 07:44 in sinkhole, Uncategorized by Dave Petley
An article in Engineering Geology (Xia et al. 2019) examines dramatic subsidence features induced by the Chengchao iron ore mine in China
Tags: china, East Asia, karst, mining, subsidence
5 February 2019 07:10 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Another massive mining-induced landslide occurred on 23rd January, this time at the Cobre Las Cruces mine in Spain . The volume is c.15 million cubic metres.
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