15 February 2022 07:34 in landslide report by Dave Petley
The passage of Cyclone Dovi from 6 to 8 February triggered multiple landslides at East Cape in Gisborne District, New Zealand
Tags: drone, featured, landslide report, New Zealand, rainfall
5 October 2021 07:00 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Dr Murry Cave of Gisborne District Council has kindly highlighted an interesting landslide, close to the water supply pipeline for the city of Gisborne in New Zealand. The landslide occurred on 27-28 September 2021
Tags: featured, landslide report, New Zealand, reactivation
21 February 2023 07:36 in landslide report, Planet Labs by Dave Petley
Manutuke: a large landslide triggered by Cyclone Gabrielle in New Zealand , which narrowly missed a house in the Gisborne area
Tags: Cyclone gabrielle, featured, landslide report, New Zealand, planet, satellite image, tropical cyclone
23 November 2021 07:36 in landslide report by Dave Petley
Heavy rainfall earlier this month triggered three large landslides on the coast in the Beach Loop area about 30 km from Gisborne in New Zealand.
Tags: featured, Gisborne, landslide report, New Zaealand, Planet Labs, satellite imagery
26 June 2018 06:26 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
On Sunday a landslide occurred at Waioeka Gorge in New Zealand. The landslide, a wedge failure, was captured on video by Michael Tabudravu, a motorist who was driving on State Highway 2
Tags: featured, landslide video, New Zealand, wedge
22 March 2018 07:57 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A significant valley-blocking landslide has occurred near to Wairoa in New Zealand. The Mangapoike River is blocked and a lake estimated to be 50 m deep has formed
Tags: featured, landslide report, New Zealand, planet, valley blocking landslide
28 March 2012 07:31 in landslide report by Dave Petley
A brief report on a fatal retaining wall failure in Austria and wash-outs in New Zealand last week
Tags: Austria, featured, landslide report, New Zealand, retaining wall, wash-out
9 March 2012 11:34 in landslide video by Dave Petley
A new video of a landslide in action in the Waioeka Gorge in New Zealand
20 December 2007 11:41 in Uncategorized by Dave Petley
There is news emerging this morning of a magnitude 6.8 earthquake in New Zealand today. The earthquake was situated just offshore the east coast of North Island. It is clear that the town of Gisborne has suffered some damage, though at least initially casualties appear to be light. An earthquake of this magnitude is sufficiently strong to cause landslides, and New Zealand is a landslide-prone terrain, so it will be …
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