2 February 2017

Demi Lovato reportedly has her house red tagged after a landslide in Hollywood

Posted by Dave Petley

Demi Lovato has her house red tagged after a landslide in Hollywood

Demi Lovato is, according to Wikipedia, an American singer, song writer and actress.  She has recently spent $8.3 million on a rather beautiful house in the Laurel Canyon area of Hollywood Hills:-

Demi Lovato

The new house belonging to Demi Lovato via Yahoo and Zillow


It is without doubt a beautiful property, although I am slightly surprised at house close it seems to have been built to a steep slope. On Monday night, in a rainstorm, that slope appears to have suffered a landslide that sent debris into the backyard of a house alongside that of Demi Lovato.  The LA Times has a photograph of the event:-

Demi Lovato

The landslide close to the house of Demi Lovato, via the LA Times


This is not a large or serious landslide by any means, but it undoubtedly raises questions about that slope.   The slope is being assessed by Building and Safety Assessors, meanwhile a number of houses have been red tagged whilst their safety is assessed.  The image above includes the house of Demi Lovato; it is clear from this view that a part of the house is very close to the slope, although I would stress that it is not possible to ascertain from this whether there is any danger.

This appears to be the site of the landslide as shown on Google Earth:-

Demi Lovato

Google Earth imagery of the site of the landslide close to the house of Demi Lovato


It is interesting to note the very extensive engineering works going on nearby, presumably to protect the slope against failure (in this case the slope appears to have been cut to create a road bench). Interestingly, this appears to be the second landslide in the last month in Laurel Canyon. At the previous one, the affected property is apparently now on sale for $200,000.