30 July 2008

Some landslide images from the Alps

Posted by Dave Petley

Well, I am finally back – apologies for the prolonged absence! It will take me a day or two to get back up to speed, but in the meantime I thought I’d post four landslide images from Switzerland and France that I took whilst on holiday (I have a very long suffering family…). In each case you can click on the image for a better view. Please feel free to use them in presentations, lectures etc but not commercially.

A large, apparently recent, complex rock fall near to Champery in Switzerland.

Classic ridge splitting and counter scarps, indicating deep seated, slow mass movements near to Leysin in Switzerland.

A recent, shallow slump caused by cutting a road into weak deposits at Chatel in France

An old rock fall deposit above a small settlement near to Chatel in France. I guess that the deposit mostly predates the buildings.