13 December 2009
From the AGU Council Meeting
Posted by Michael McFadden
The AGU Council met all day yesterday. It was an incredibly dynamic meeting. Yeah, there was a lot of business to attend to, but the meeting went well beyond that. The Council spent time building a bridge to the future, looking to see how AGU could grow and change. There’s a huge commitment to moving AGU forward.
I was most struck, though, by the overwhelming interest by the members of the AGU Council and other AGU leaders (committee chairs, focus group chairs, etc.) of the need to ramp up the mentoring of young geoscientists. And not just about doing good science, though clearly that’s critical. There was great interest in making sure that young scientists know how to communicate well and that they understand how their work can affect science policy and the general public. There’s also great interest in exploring ways that the social networking can be used better.
Send us your thoughts about how to better reach young scientists!
–Barb Richman, Executive Editor, Eos