AGU demands NOAA appointment be rescinded


As the leading scientific society representing climate scientists, AGU urges revocation of David Legates’ appointment as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Observation and Prediction at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. With climate change producing raging wildfires in the western United States and devastating hurricanes in the Atlantic, our nation – and the world – cannot afford to have our federal government undermining the important work of climate scientists. Legates’ appointment not only threatens our ability to combat the climate crisis and protect our planet for future generations, it undermines scientific integrity at NOAA. Climate change knows no boundaries. As such, the impact of this appointment will be felt around the world.

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  1. Victor Capelli

    As a retired environmental educator and interpretive naturalist I am apalled at this appointment! Climate change is killing the planet!

  2. Donald Trump nomme un climatosceptique à l'Agence sur l'océan et l'atmosphère – CV19. Solutions

    […] L’Union américaine de géophysique (AGU), puissante société savante qui chaperonne, entre autres, la climatologie, a déploré une nomination dont les «conséquences se feront sentir dans le monde entier». Car «avec le changement climatique qui provoque des incendies de forêt dans l’ouest des États-Unis et des ouragans dévastateurs dans l’Atlantique, notre nation – et le monde – ne peut pas se permettre que notre gouvernement fédéral mine le travail important des climatologues. La nomination de Legates ne menace pas seulement notre capacité à lutter contre la crise climatique et à protéger notre planète pour les générations futures, elle porte atteinte à l’intégrité scientifique de la NOAA», déplore l’AGU. Les scientifiques réclament ainsi la «révocation» de David Legates. […]

  3. Donald Trump appoints climate skeptic at Ocean and Atmosphere Agency – Archyde

    […] L’American Geophysical Unione (AGU), a powerful learned society that chaperones, among other things, climatology, deplored an appointment whose “consequences will be felt around the world». Car «with climate change causing wildfires in the western United States and devastating hurricanes in the Atlantic, our nation – and the world – cannot afford for our federal government to undermine the important work of climate scientists. The Legates appointment not only threatens our ability to fight the climate crisis and protect our planet for future generations, it undermines the scientific integrity of NOAALaments the AGU. Scientists are thus calling for therevocation» de David Legates. […]

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