10 August 2016

How You Think- Daniel Khaneman (He won a Nobel Prize for this)

Posted by Dan Satterfield

From the Daniel Khaneman talk. How bard are people at critical thinking? Look at the image above. Which policy would you pay  more for?? Answer is in the lecture.

From the Daniel Khaneman talk. How bad are people at critical thinking? Look at the image above. Which policy would you pay more for?? Answer is in the lecture.

You are a lousy critical thinker. So am I, but if you’ve read Daniel Khaneman’s book “Thinking Fast-Thinking Slow” you are better at it than those who haven’t! His book is not only a best seller, but a must read. How we make decisions is a fascinating subject, and while you may not take the time to read his book and get the details, you should watch his talk at Google about system one and system two thinking. In this season of politics, his talk should cause you to really ponder how sure you are of beliefs that you would say you are “certain” about. Now, add in an understanding of cognitive bias and the Dunning-Kruger effect  ( a concise summary from Dunning here) with Khanenman’s discoveries, and you have a far better understanding of how you think, and your own biases. Never pass up an opportunity to listen to someone who won a Nobel Prize.
