3 March 2012

Marysville, Indiana destroyed by twister. Midwest death toll at 18 and climbing.

Posted by Dan Satterfield


Tornado in Lincoln County, Tennessee around 4 PM Friday. Photo ctsy. Angela Echols.

Update Saturday 3 March: the death toll is now at 37 and never before have so many tornadoes been reported so early in March. Even though it is only the 3rd day of the month, it seems likely this will be  record breaking March. The storm survey for Madison County Alabama is here. The NWS in Louisville is surveying the Indiana and KY paths and should have an update soon here.

The video below is a collection of several different tornadoes from AL to Indiana. As I type this, a tornado is indicated near Marietta GA.

Now, compare the number of tornado warnings at any one tie with the situation on April 27, 2011- during the mega outbreak. Daryl Herzmann (a meteorologist in Iowa) who put this together.


images from Daryl Herzmann.

March 2,2012

My daughter has a friend in Harvest, AL whose home was destroyed on April 27th. They rebuilt, and today it was destroyed again. She was not alone in that. Read this.

Without doubt large tornadoes tend to come through in similar tracks. It’s likely due to orographics, on a local and synoptic scale, that cause this. Even land use (forest or plowed field) likely is involved. The Harvest area was hit during the super outbreak in 1974, as well as the mega outbreak last April.