13 September 2013

Friday fold: Kink band in Lodgepole Limestone, Sacagawea Peak, Bridger Range, Montana

Posted by Callan Bentley

As I’ve mentioned previously, I spent some time making GigaPans this summer out west. Here’s Lily and me on the crest of the Bridger Range, enjoying the clear skies and great geology:


When this portrait was taken (by our friend Lindsay), I was shooting this GigaPan:


Try exploring it to see if you can find today’s Friday fold: a kink band in the Lodgepole Limestone (a thinly banded unit) exposed on the crest of the range. This is what you’re looking for:


Here’s the same scene (a screenshot from the GigaPan), with the trace of bedding highlighted:


Hope you have a terrific Friday!