
You are browsing the archive for 18 February 2010 - Mountain Beltway.

18 February 2010

U.K. sediment survey

A friend forwarded this via e-mail to me today… U.K. readers may be interested in participating. Millstone Grit? Kimmeridge Clay? Old Red Sandstone? Durness Limestone? Yorkshire Lias? ………. What are YOUR top three British sediments? BSRG (British Sedimentological Research Group) are conducting a small survey to find out what formations geologists consider the “best” sedimentary deposits across the United Kingdom. This sounds like a loony piece of work (and it …


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"Prehistoric": D.C.

Mark your calendars! Prehistoric: D.C. will profile (part of) the ancient past of Washington, D.C., in an episode to air February 28, 9pm, on the Discovery Channel.


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Salamander shear

Whilst discussing how to quantify strain with my GMU structural geology students recently, I hit upon a cool analogy. In order for you to understand the analogy (assuming you’re not a structural geologist), I’ll have to review some background information first. Stick with it, and I promise you a salamander at the end. Structural geologists are interested in how rocks deform. If we have some idea of the original shape …


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