13 June 2016

Three forthcoming landslide meetings of interest

Posted by Dave Petley

landslide meetings

Forthcoming landslide meetings

Three forthcoming landslide meetings of interest

I thought I would highlight three forthcoming landslide meetings:

1. GSA 2016 in Denver, Colorado

The 2016 GSA meeting will be held in Denver from 25th to 28th September 2016.  There are three landslide sessions:

T21. Bridging the Gaps on Subaerial, Lacustrine, and Submarine Landslide Research

Lesli Wood, Lorena Moscardelli
Submarine landslides are never witnessed, but the aftermath is clear: destruction of seafloor infrastructure, disruption of biota, and tsunamigenic coastal threats. This session looks at researchers attempting to bridge between subaerial and submarine landslide processes.

T24. Landslide Hazards: Inventories, Hazard Maps, Risk Analysis, and Warning Systems (Posters)

William J. Burns, Stephen L. Slaughter, Matthew M. Crawford
This session is designed to highlight landslide hazards information especially as related to landslide inventories, hazard maps, risk analysis, and warning systems.

T25. Landslides, Debris Flow, and Rock Fall: Processes and Hazards

Rex L. Baum, Benjamin B. Mirus
This session will explore new insights about landslide processes and hazards. Contributions that address novel field and instrumental observations, analysis, and hazard assessments or that introduce tools and techniques applicable to any of these are especially welcome.

The abstract deadline is on 12th July.  Details here.


2. Waiting for the End of the World: The Archaeology of Risk and its Perception in the Middle Ages

This meeting will be held in Oxford from 2nd to 4th December 2016.  Details are as follows:

The Society for Medieval Archaeology’s 2016 conference will explore what happened when natural disasters affected medieval European societies (AD 500-1550). The focus is archaeological and historical but we also aim to bring together geographers, seismologists, climatologists and others to discuss the impacts of rapid onset disasters such as geophysical and hydro-meteorological hazards, among them severe weather, storm surges and flooding, drought, slope failures, volcanic eruptions, seismicity and its secondary effects such as tsunamis and seismic-induced landslides. This conference will be organized around a number of sessions; some will explore the impacts and societal responses related to different categories of hazard, while others will focus on religious responses and perceptions of risk. It is the intention of the conference organizers to publish the proceedings as a monograph of the Society for Medieval Archaeology.
3. 2017 North American Symposium on Landslides

A reminder that this meeting will be held from 4th to 8th June 2017 in Roanoke, Virginia.  The abstract deadline is 30th June 2016.  Details here